Trauma Counselling and Chronic Pain Therapy

Available In-PersonĀ 

Online as needed in the case of illness

I help people with complex PTSD, deep unhappiness, relationship difficulties, family issues, traumatic experiences, chronic pain, and many other physical and emotional symptoms.

I am approved with many extended health providers as well as Crime Victims Assistance Program, First Nations Health Authority, Community Futures, VAC, WCB and ICBC.

I work with people to identify the causes of deep unhappiness and kindle healing.  We work together to grow your tolerance for emotion and ability to be genuine with others.  I help parents to see what they are doing well and where it’s challenging for them and why. I help them to grow their relationship with their child.  I help people to heal after car accidents and unhappy past events.

I  worked with Veterans and retired RCMP officers at the Operational Stress Recovery Clinic here in Vernon.

I work with first respondents help them with the many challenging events they see each day and I am endorsed by the BC Professional Firefighters Association.  I have specialized training and knowledge of the occupational trauma that first responders face each day.

My office is a ….

I teach and practice HeartMath with clients daily.

verified by Psychology Today


Image result for BCPFFA
BCPFFA_Endorsed_Silver_onWhite (1) Endorsed by the BC Professional Firefighter Association